MA: Wormtown Brewery will be kicking off its eleventh year by opening a new taproom Wednesday, March 17th at noon. Located at 72 Shrewsbury St Worcester, where the brewery moved to in 2015, the new 4,000 sq foot space will offer up to 14 lines of Wormtown beers, an expanded small bites menu, as well as a rotation of pop-ups in the kitchen featuring local restaurant partners. They will also hope toopen a distillery in the coming months in the same location.
On Wednesday, March 17th, Wormtown will be throwing a socially distanced and limited version of their normal birthday celebration. In the past, St Patrick’s Day has been a brewery wide party that would see hundreds of visitors come through the brewery in a single day to celebrate the anniversary. In order to safely introduce their new taproom, Wormtown will host a limited guest first come first serve 11th Birthday Celebration.
“While we can’t host our normal birthday bash this year, we are really excited to show everyone our new taproom and a small preview of the kind of events we can throw once it is safe again.” said Managing Partner David Fields.
Peppercorn’s will be on site running the first kitchen pop up throughout the opening weekend. When there is not a pop up going on, Wormtown will be partnering with Volturno Pizza, offering their full menu that can be ordered directly from your seat.
On Wednesday, March 17th, Wormtown will be throwing a socially distanced and limited version of their normal birthday celebration. In the past, St Patrick’s Day has been a brewery wide party that would see hundreds of visitors come through the brewery in a single day to celebrate the anniversary. In order to safely introduce their new taproom, Wormtown will host a limited guest first come first serve 11th Birthday Celebration.
“While we can’t host our normal birthday bash this year, we are really excited to show everyone our new taproom and a small preview of the kind of events we can throw once it is safe again.” said Managing Partner David Fields.
Peppercorn’s will be on site running the first kitchen pop up throughout the opening weekend. When there is not a pop up going on, Wormtown will be partnering with Volturno Pizza, offering their full menu that can be ordered directly from your seat.